Bill Riley talent search

If you are interested in doing Bill Riley shows, you will go to and sign up for the shows of your choice. It is your responsibility to have a copy of your music and your responsibility to practice. Remember, you are representing Dance Explosion! If you are wanting to schedule a practice, please send us an email or text.


Competition routines

We are encouraging you to start learning your competition routines in the summer to get a head start! Please try to have your songs picked out, if you need help let us know. Please email us if you are interested in learning your competition routines this summer!



Production is a dance that includes all ages and skill level. If you are wanting to be apart of the competition team you are required to be in this dance. If you do not want to do any other dances at competition but still want to be in the production routine you can, as long as you agree to do production at the chosen competitions. This dance is offered as a chance to bring dancers closer together and to represent Dance Explosion all while having a blast. If you are wanting to be in our Production number, please email us.